Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Woes of aging, something we might not realise when we are really in stage of aging, bring trouble to people around us. But we still need to learn how to give in at certain times. When it is our turn, we might expect people to give in to us too.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mind of a NSF?

One of those nights, u tell yourself, "Hey, isn't there anything in my life currently that's going the way i want it to be?"

Friday, July 5, 2013


Dismounted yesterday. Am getting pretty used to this schedule. Felt fortunate to be part of Changi Defence Squadron. It's a place i will enjoy for the next one year plus of my national service.

Am playing 幸福不难 by Serene Goong today. Lin Qi Yu's works never fail to impress.

My favourite quote in the song,

"带我飞翔 到个安全的地方

Signing off~